OK, so it was my second meal, but I didn't really go for this rice cereal stuff too much the first time around. Well, different story today... Mom put it in front of me and before she could even bring the spoon to my mouth, I decided I would give it a go by myself. And what do you know, it worked! Eating is cool! I wonder when Dad will let me taste watermelon again though...that was sweet - no pun intended.
- Alder, 6 1/2 months
I have the close-up of the “love my sister’s dolls…” shot, as my screen saver. Alder’s smiley little face entirely fills the right side of the screen. People walk by my office and just melt. Me too.
You’ve got one heckuva happy, good-looking kid there.
I remember when you guys were first learning to eat solid food, you had pretty much the same reaction to spoons, in no time at all: “GIMME that thing… I can do it myself!!”
watermelon, mmmm.. That's what's nice about discovering food during the summer.
Hey, you're not 6 1/2 months old yet! Lying about your age already??
OHMYGOSH! You're right Patrick...I'm just FIVE and 1/2 months old. Sorry, I got a little "ahead" of myself.
I'm a smiley guy all right. Looking forward to seeing you in just two and a half weeks, GrandBob.
Thanks for commenting on our blog.
- Alder
Well, ask mummy about a yummy meal of apricots and strawberries mixed together. I love it !
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